Extracts from emails dated 27 August 2014

The story I have from Kayla Volkers is that the amended traffic management plan was provided not less that 28 days prior to the event but was not within the 14 days necessary for it to be on the council agenda for the first meeting in September (3rd), hence it will be reported to council on the agenda for the second meeting in September (17th) just a few days prior to the event.

From my maths it must have been submitted on the 21st or 22nd.

The amendment was to cover the fact that it could not be "reported" to council 28 days before the event, no indication was given that there was any amendment to the requirements of condition 46, but the fact that the Traffic Management Plan was not submitted before last week may indicate it is not up to scratch so attendance at the council meeting on the 17th where it will be on the agenda could be fairly important.

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